Parish Choirs – regular choir practices are announced in the bulletin. All choirs join to provide the music for the Easter Triduum each year. New members are always welcome.
Prayer Circle – An impressive group of parishioners have a well-organized phone tree to respond to individual requests for prayer and petition.
Liturgical Ministries – Well over 300 parishioners serve in a wide variety of ministries ranging from distributing communion, proclaiming Scripture, ushering and greeting, folding bulletins, music ministry, Children’s Liturgy, serving Mass, bringing communion to the hospital and shut-ins and washing the church linens. Schedules for the Sunday Liturgy ministries are made up in the fall for the entire year. Workshops for the liturgical ministries are held every fall at which time parishioners can sign up for the year. Should new parishioners not included on the list desire to be active in these ministries, we encourage them to contact our parish office and indicate their interest. Then their names will be added to the spare list until such time that they can become regular ministers.
Outreach to new parishioners – As in many towns and cities in our province, Humboldt has been seeing a great influx of new residents in the past few years. An enthusiastic committee has taken on the ministry to visit new parishioners and to help them to feel at home in their new faith community. We now honour the arrival of new parish members twice a year, spring and fall, by offering them complimentary tickets to the Knights of Columbus breakfast.
Adult Faith Formation & Bible Studies – Adult Faith Formation events are regularly offered at St. Augustine Parish. For instance, a Series on the Sacraments of the Church was offered in Lent 2024, open to all parishioners, especially those preparing children to receive sacraments. An Adult Faith Sharing Group meets Tuesday afternoons in the parish hall, starting at 2:00 pm.
Lay Leaders of Prayer – The ministry of leading the faith community in prayer and worship is a unique privilege for an increasing number of parishioners. Several parishioners are trained and ready to serve the parish in this capacity. Formation sessions are offered in the parish as the need arises and interest emerges. For instance, some of these lay leaders preside and preach at funeral vigils.